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In Memoriam

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Commander John J. 'Montana' Fitzpatrick  Missoula, MT

February 11, 1936 - December 9, 2024

Founding Member F0001   since February 1, 2018

Jack was very active in SPEBSQSA and worked to change the philosophy of the organization to return its original purpose. Feeling that was not going to happen, he decided to organize a new organization, The Society for the Preservation and Propagation of Barbershop Quartet Singing in the United States. After researching he found that this was actually the name chosen by Rupert Hall and John Cash, and amazingly, it was not copyrighted. He obtained the copyright and started a new Barbershop Singing organization based on the original founder's intent - to preserve this unique music style, and promote the importance of making it fun and for male fellowship. Jack was a member of the Dundalk, MD Chapter, Chorus of the Chesapeake.


James Botelle   Reisterstown, MD 

November 12, 1952 - December 20, 2024

Member M0967   since August 2020

A member of the Old Line Statesmen of Carroll County, MD and the Dundalk MD Chapter, Chorus of the Chesapeake. Jim was also the lead singer in several quartets including Gentlemen's Blend, who won the Mid-Atlantic District Novice Quartet Champion in 2000. 


Alvin Evans   Mantua, NJ 

1940 - December 10, 2024

Member M0878   since July 2020

Al was a 44-year member of the Cherry Hill Pine Barons as well as the Dundalk Chapter, Chorus of the Chesapeake. He also sang in several quartets including 'Special Occasion' and 'Rave Review'. 


Jim Kimos   Dundalk, MD   October 8, 1939 - September 4, 2024

Member M1799   since October 2023

Jim was also known for his melodious singing voice which blended distinctly as he served congregations at St.Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, Gatch Memorial United Methodist Church and as an unforgettable Bass in the Chorus of the Chesapeake for which he was a member for 50 years. Jim was also the bass in the long standing Captain's Chorders Barbershop Quartet.


Orville 'Tom' Neal Boulder City, NV   June 24, 1934 - October 25, 2024

Member M0990   Since August 2020

In 1983, Tom founded the Barbershop Quartet Preservation Association also known as the Pioneers. The annual conventions were attended by many Barbershoppers every September. Tom was instrumental in forming the Cleveland singing angels. A large group of children who sang Barbershop across the US and appeared on television many times. They are still active today. Tom sang Bari with the Village Idiots, (from Cleveland) during the 60's for 16 years and performed over 400 shows in the US and Canada. The quartet sang on a USO tour in the far east during the Vietman war for three weeks.  He was a chorus director, arranger and an ardent supporter of Barbershop quartets and its musical style.

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John Meriwether   Columbus,KS    Sept 8, 1935 - April 26, 2024

Member M1404   since July 2021

Perhaps his favorite role was singing in the First Christian Church choir. His love of music was a constant throughout his life, and was started in the church. John sang with the Keenagers in Riverton, Kansas, and Barbershoppers groups in Joplin, Missouri, and had wonderful memories and friendships made through these groups. He loved all kinds of music and passed that passion on to his family. 

Barbershop friends of John, Don Snow commented "John remains foremost in my mind as a friend and valued advisor. I cherish the time we had together and the harmony we made singing Barbershop style songs and medleys".  And John Wilson May commented "I had the privilege of singing Barbershop Harmony with John in the Tristatesmen Chorus here in Joplin for several years. I cherish the memories."


Chuck Olson   Alton, NY   1935 - 2023

Member M0729   since August 2020

Legendary baritone and comedic genius behind The Aliens quartet and director of the Tualatin Valley Harmony MastersIn the 1960's he directed the Mount Hood Timberliners and later became the director of the Tualatin Valley Harmony Masters. Chuck also sang for 35 years as the baritone of the Aliens Quartet. .


Jim Kline   Palos Verde, CA   1948 - 2023

Member M0561  since March 2019

A true barbershop legend. He was not just a singer; he was the heartbeat of the Coastliners. With his golden voice, he was a mentor to aspiring singers, and a cherished friend to many. He spent a lifetime dedicated to the craft, earning his rightful place as the famed bass of the 139th Street quartet's coveted gold medal at the International Barbershop Harmony Society competition.

Russ Born   Red Lodge, MT    2023

Member C0235  August 2018

Russ was the Resident Agent for SPPBSQSUS. 


Kent Cronin   Victoria, BC   1952 - September 20, 2023

Member M0739  since October 2019

Kent will be sadly missed by his barbershopper friends, chess players and his brothers, nieces and nephews.

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Harry Ambler   North Yorkshire, UK   April 17, 1937 - May 1, 2023

Member M0685  since July 2019

Harry was a member of the Bradford Barbershop Singers. In 1987 he hosted the then International Silver Medal quartet 'The Interstate Rivals' who coached for the BABS Convention. His quartet, 'Vocal Gentry' won the British Senior's Champion award in 1992. His commitment and support to Barbershop in the UK helped further that singing style to both men and women.


Daniel Shramo   Avon, OH  February 20, 1931 - April 18, 2023

Founding Member F0054  since May 2018


Danny loved singing in a Barbershop quartet. His love of music led him on many adventures and allowed him to forge lifelong friendships.  In recognition of his lifetime of service and achievement, he was honored with a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Johnny Appleseed District. Dan will be remembered for his intelligence and adventurous spirit. His legacy will live on in the hearts of all who knew him. He also sang a great tenor with the Village Idiots in the 1950s and 60s.  They were a busy show quartet from northern Ohio. 


Richard Dale Fetick  Milford, OH   November 2, 1951 - April 10, 2023

Member C0401  since January 2019

Dale loved four part harmony and was

hooked. He got in his 1st quartet with Tom Rouse when Tom’s dad Bob, brought Dale to Tom’s house with another barbershopper and formed a quartet, putting Dale on the tenor part. Dale hit the pinnacle of his barbershop career when his quartet, Marquis, won the International Championship in 1995.

Dick Dods   Timonium, MD  August 29, 1934 - January 23, 2023

Member M0940  since July 2020

Dick was a long time member and President of the Dundalk Chapter BHS.  He sang with the Chorus of the Chesapeake on the International Stage.  He was also a founding member of the SPPBSQSUS Chesapeake Lodge


Bruce Nyland    Grand Blac, MI     March 3, 1947 - December 9, 2022

Member M0799 since February 2022

Member of Flint Arrowhead Barbershop Chorus

Nick Papageorge  LaHabra, CA   May1952 - November 6, 2022

Member M0841  since November 2020

​Nick was a member of the Far West District and sang baritone in two International Finalist quartets - 'Great Train Robbery' and 'Standing Room Only'. Nick began his life long music passion while attending college.


Mike Sisk  Pittsburgh, PA   December 13, 1954 - December 2, 2022

Member C0047  since May 2018

He performed in barbershop quartets for the largest part of his life. He was very proud of having sung with his dad in the 1983 Johnny Appleseed District Quartet Champions Harmony Partners, and at the international competition in 1981, and 1987. A lifelong performer, he was most proud of being cast in July of 1983, in the Heinz Hall Civic Light Opera production of "The Music Man"


Howard Fetterolf  Poughkeepsie, PA   May 24, 1940December 7, 2022

Member C0310  since November 2018

Past District President of the Mid-Atlantic District. He sang in a seniors quartet called Autumn Gold and competed at the international level in 2000, finishing 21st worldwide. 

Walter Dods,  Edinburgh, UK  December 2022

Member M0828  since June 2020

Stephen Martin, Syracuse, NY  September 20, 2022

Member M1319 since August 2020


He sang with the Salt City Barbershop Quartet and the Harmony Katz Barbershop Chorus

Roy Eckert, West Palm Beach, FL  April 3, 1937 - October 11, 2022

Charter Member C0332 since December 2018


He sang lead in the Sound Revival quartet from 1973 – 1985, winning the Mid-Atlantic District Quartet Championship in 1976. In January 2022, the quartet placed third in the International Seniors Competition, earning a bronze medal.

John Waugh, Sr,      Las Vegas, NV   June 19, 2022

Founding Member F0021 since April 2018

Donald Dodson, Wilmington, NC  June 11, 2022

Charter Member C0046 since May 2018

Roberto Masson, Miramar, FL  May 31, 2022

Member M1411 since August 20221


David Lester, Esther, FL  May 31, 2022

Member M1157 since August 2020

Ralph Brandt, San Antonio, TX  April 22, 2022

Charter member C0314 since November 2018

Don Lang, Hickory, NC  April 12, 2022

Founding member F0057 since May 2018

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Larry Anteman     Bartlett, IL  April 26, 1948 - February 8, 2022

Member M1118 since August 2020

 Larry sang in several Barbershop Choruses and quartets for over 40 years including the Great American

Chorus, New Tradition Chorus, and West Towns Chorus, over which time he won multiple International medals.​

Richard Louis Luckette, Sr.   Baldwinsille, NY   January 20, 2022

Member M1329 since August 2020

Rich sang bass proudly for the local group “Harmony Katz” and in his quartet “Off the Top”. He enjoyed

gardening, baking and sharing his produce and treats with his friends and family.

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Dr. Greg Lyne -  Brentwood, CA  1946 - January 14, 2022

Founding Member F0050 Since April 24, 2018


 A four-time champion chorus director with the West Town Chorus (1987) and Masters of Harmony (1990, 1993, 1996),

 Lyne received the Joe Liles Lifetime Achievement Award in Directing in 2010, and was named to the BHS Hall of Fame in

 2013. From 1996-2005, he served as Director of Music Education and Services for the Barbershop Harmony Society.


As a coach, judge, arranger and mentor, Lyne’s influence was truly global. His teaching fused his lifelong passion for barbershop harmony with his extensive experience in the highest echelons of American choral arts performance and education. 


Leon Bernard -  Norfolk, VA    1938 - December 19, 2021

Charter Member C0004 Joined March 18, 2018

Leon was a long time member of both the Norfolk and Dundalk Chapters. A prolific baritone singer, he was a top notch 'Woodshedder' and could always be found singing with his many friends.

Brian Dunckel - Michigan     February 10, 1954 - November 27, 2021

Member M1356 Since October 2020

Brian was a former President of the Pioneer District.  He died in San Antonio while visiting his son Kevin, who had moved there.

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David Diers  Lyle, WA  June 17, 1948 - November 9, 2021

Member C0377 Since January 17, 2017

 He grew up in Portland, and after graduating in 1967, worked a few years for the Oregonian prior to joining the U.S. Navy as an E5 and serving in the Vietnam War.

Steve Pressley  Schaumberg, IL  July 6, 1956 - November 14, 2021

Member M1117 Since August 26, 2020


He was involved with the Barbershop Harmony Society and the Archdiocese of Chicago T.E.C. program.


Barry Brown, Glen Mills, PA, 1939 - Sept 16, 2021

Society Member M0996 since August 2020


Barry was a member of the Dundalk, MD Chapter and a 50 year member of the Barbershop Harmony   

 Society. While singing in countless quartets, he was a four-time Mid-Atlantic District Champion as the bass of the Union Jacks ('70), B&O Connection ('78), Curtain Call ('83), and Tradewinds ('89). One of his proudest accomplishments was finishing 3rd at the 1979 International with the B&O, and anyone who has had the pleasure of hearing them sing will never forget that sound.   



Paul Eugene Ogle   Festus, MO  July 31, 1942 - August 16, 2021 
Member C0293  Joined October 26, 2018
Paul was a member of the Rivertown Sound Barbershop Quartet, and he was a past president and member of the Barbershop Harmony Society for 61 years. His wonderful bass voice will be remembered and  cherished for generations to come.


Jay Howard Thornberry  - St.Helens, OR May 16, 2039 - July 10, 2021

Member M1271 since August 2020

Jay joined barbershop in 1967 in the Mount Hood Chapter (now defunct).  He had a

for barbershop singing and became a member of The Aliens Quartet in 1970, singing

Bass - they were well known for their comedy entertainment, and traveled extensively,

singing throughout the US & Canada performing at chapter shows. They went to Viet Namin 1971 on a USO Tour. The Aliens singing can be found on YouTube,


The Aliens

   Jim Richards - Tenor; Bob Wiggins - Lead ;

       Jay Thornberry - Bass;  Chuck Olson - Bari



John 'Mac' Sabol, Saracuse, NY 1958 - May 4, 2021

Society Founding Member F0069, joined May 9, 2018

Mac was first introduced to barbershop singing by BGSU voice faculty and choral director, Richard Mathey. From that time on, Mac became active both as a director and member of barbershop choruses and was also lead (and baritone) in quartets in cities where he lived and worked (Platteville, WI; Cincinnati, OH; Syracuse, NY; Buffalo, NY; Binghamton, NY). As a barber shopper, Mac's talent lay in his leadership roles. He played a prominent and integral role across Seneca Land most recently and beyond for many, many years. 


He was a  director for several choruses, a district quartet champion multiple times and in two different voice parts, as well as the Sencaland district barbershopper of the year.  Mac sang lead in the 'Just 4 Men' quartet. 

Michael Calhoun - Gulfport, FL     1935 - April 27, 2021

Member M0714  since August 2019

He was raised and lived in Brooklyn, New York until moving to Virginia and Florida in his retirement.  Music and singing were a huge part of his life.  He was a man of man, many songs. A dedicated barbershop chorus singer, he sang and organized the Westchester County, N.Y. Gold Chordsman chorus; and sang with the Big Apple, NY chorus, Alexandria V.A. Harmonizers; Harrisonburg, VA Harmonizers; and the Chorus of the Keys, FL. Helvetica Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site.

Lacy Kyle - Birmingham, UK    July 25, 1961 - April 21, 2021

Charter Member C0339 since December 2018
He was Vice President of Lodge #2 and Anvil Chorus  in Birmingham, UK. Lacy, a bass singer, also sang with the Classmates Quartet. 

Jim Lunak - Hesperia, CA   June 9, 1937 - April 4, 2021

Member M0703 since July 2019

​John Weeks - St.Paris, OH    September 27, 1950 - March 24, 2021

Member M0854 since June 2020

 John was an Air Force Veteran and in the early 80's directed the Gold Coast Chorus in Arroyo Grande, CA. and was an Assistant Director of Sound of the Rockies Barbershop Chorus.

Jim Gallagher  Salt Lake City, UT June 9, 1937 - March 23, 2021

Charter Member C0181 since July 2018

Jim was one of our original S.P.P.B.S.Q.S.U.S. Board members.  He sang in over 10 quartets, with the Beehive Statesmen and Tri-W, and was a treasurer of the Barbershop Quartet Preservation Association. He regularly attended the annual Harmony College convention to share his love of singing. Through these hobbies he made many lifelong friendships across the country.

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Ronald Gillies  - Grand Bloc, MI      July 19, 1930 - November 8, 2020
MemberM0965 since August 2020

Ron spent over 70 years in Barbershop music beginning with the Bean Town Four. He was a member of the Flint Arrowhead Barbershop Chorus and a Barbershop Chorus in Macomb County.


Keith Lindsay Eckhardt - Pacerville, CA  September 9, 1941 - January 19, 2021

Charter Member C0290 since October 2018

He enjoyed singing but didn't learn about Barbershop harmony and the organization until in his late 30's. Keith was a member of the Bellingham Toppers and the Twin Falls, ID chapters and the Placerville CA Gold Rush Chrus.   He was selected as the Far Western District Barbershopper of the Year in 2015. Keith designed and managed  the program for the 23K Project - its goal was to interview all 23,000 BHS members at the time, charting their likes and dis-likes about the  Society, and seeking their suggestions for improvement 


John 'Jack' Slamka   N.Fort Myers, FL  October 15, 1947 - November 28, 2020

Member M0866 since July 2020

Jack was active in the Barbershop Harmony Society, Lions Club and AMVETS.  He was a member of the 2003 International Quartet Power Play.


Robert James Wachter  - Alexandria, VA   6 MAR 1925 – 16 AUG 2020

Founding Member F0094 since May 2018

Bob joined SPEBSQSA in 1953.  For over 46 years he directed Washington D.C. choruses Arlingtion, Fairfax Jubil-Aires, Alexandria Harmonizers and the famed daytime Harmony Heritage Singers., plus choruses from Roswell, NM, Little Rock AR, Ponca City OK, Middletown OH, to the Pleiku Highlands of Vietnam. And for more than 35 years he coached quartets at Harmony College East, as qualified by virtue of Harmony College Directors School.

Joseph M. Monahan - Hillsborough, NJ  August 3, 1946 - March 26, 2020 

Charter Member C0085 since May 2018

Personification of the Ideal Barbershopper and Friend, â€‹â€‹Joe did it all, and did it well: Quartet – Chorus – Chapter President – Organizer – Motivator. â€‹â€‹ A guy you just wanted to be with. .

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John Sommer - Westerville, OH     1949 - March 16, 2020

Founding Member F0072 since May 2018

A 58-year member of The Society for The Preservation and Encouragement of Barbershop Quartet Singing in America Inc, John earned judging certification to the barbershop harmony judging system at the early age of 17.

​John Grant - Derbyshire, UK   March 4, 2020

Member M0598 since May 2019

​The solid rock of British Barbershop, he was renowned, great and revered throughout the entire Barbershop world. Coach , Judge, Director, Instructor at Harmony College,  Founder of two BABS  chapters, BABS Category Specialist in Sound and Singing,  Chairman of BABS Executive Committee  Chairman of BABS Guild of Judges,  7 time BABS Champion Chorus Director. 

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Don Clause - Matlacha Isles, FL  January 11, 1930 - January 27, 2020

Founding Member F0081 since May 2018

​Mentor, Counselor, Quartet Competitor, Chorus Director, Arranger, International Champion Quartet & Chorus Coach, Author of the C & J Sound Category. The following Championship Quartets and Choruses acknowledge Don’s contribution to their success:

QUARTETS: Dealers Choice; Side Street Ramblers; Regents; Rapscallions; Happiness Emporium; Second Edition; Innsiders; Acoustix; Bluegrass Student Union; The Ritz .​


George "Fritz" Grunewald - Burkburnett, TX November 3, 1934 - January 8, 2020

Charter Member C0209 since August 2018

Enthusiastic member and promoter of SPPBSQSUS.  Long time member of the Whittier Choralaires, won every chapter award, some twice.   The reputed "king" of convention chairmen.

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Andrew Solari  - McQueeney, TX   March 21, 1951 - July 1, 2019

Member M0641 since June 2019

Chorus Manager of the Friends in Harmony - "The Enforcer", Charter Member of Lodge #1

Known for his quick wit and creation of the heartiest laughs at rehearsals. 

Ev Nau  -  W.DesMoines, IA   October 30, 1943-April 25, 2019

Member M0512 January 2019

​Long-time staff member of BHS and Harmony Foundation, Presentation Judge, DELASUSQUEHUDMAC member teller of great and long stories from Down East. 

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Doug Ward  - Winnetka, Ca June 14, 1961-March 12, 2019

Charter Member C0280 since October 2018

​Incurable Singer of love songs and ballads, Chorus Director, Tagmeister Extrordinaire

Prolific Arranger, A great friend

​We were not ready to lose him

Kirk Roose

Director Lorain and Akron OH chapters; former director 5th place 1981 International medalist Cherry Hill, NJ Pine Barons, Wilmington, DE, Manhattan NY, Bryn Mawr, PA, Elyria, OH, and Independence OH chapters; JAD director of the year 1994, 2005; Quartets since 1960 including Continental Four (M-AD 1967),

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© 2025 by the Society for the Preservation and Propagation of BarberShop Quartet Singing in the United States.


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